Sharon Pugh

Evidential Medium

Psychic Intuitive

Hollywood Film Consultant (Hauntings, Heaven, Matrix World, Past Lives) 

Psychic Energy Real Estate Expert

Animal Communicator

Murder/Missing Persons

Past Lives

Once the client selects and purchases their preferred reading, Sharon will initiate contact through email to establish a mutually suitable day and time. Sharon ensures that the reading will be conducted within five days of purchase, unless stated otherwise. For those who prefer not to wait, Sharon provides a restricted number of daily Same Day Readings, as outlined below.

PLEASE NOTE:  Sharon also conducts small, medium, and large audience Mediumship events.  Please contact her directly at 404-437-5336 and/or to book.

15-minutes - Psychic (no Mediumship) - $75

30-minutes - Psychic & Mediumship - $155

60-minutes - Psychic & Mediumship - $225

90-minutes - Psychic & Mediumship (may be split into 2 readings) - $350

60-minutes - Emergency Same-day Session - Psychic & Mediumship - $350

Phone & Skype Sessions

Sharon offers a variety of options for connecting with her for a reading or session.

Sharon provides Phone and Skype readings, and interested individuals may contact her directly at 404-437-5336 via text or message. It is also possible to pre-purchase a reading of your choice. Sharon diligently schedules and completes readings within 72 hours unless otherwise indicated by a waiting list.

Foremost, Sharon is an expressive Medium with the ability to see and hear departed loved ones. Often, these loved ones serve as valuable instruments to guide clients toward the right solutions.

The role of being a Psychic is crucial in establishing an empathic and intuitive connection with those seeking guidance on matters such as relationships, careers, or personal development. Sharon adopts a psychic approach to address these concerns.

In her capacity as a spiritual coach, Sharon offers interpersonal guidance on a wide array of issues. It is important to note that she does not replace the role of a Psychologist or Medical Doctor; instead, she enlightens clients from entirely different perspectives with the assistance of their spiritual guides, Angels, and loved ones.

Sharon’s proficiency as an animal communicator has aided in the recovery of missing pets and provided solace to pet owners who have lost their beloved companions.

The Energy and Chakra work service is an intensive 90-minute phone session, particularly suited for individuals experiencing a heavy or helpless atmosphere in their homes. Homes accumulate energetic residue, much like car windshields. After clearing and balancing the energy in your home, Sharon proceeds to clear and realign your Chakras, concluding with a relaxing meditation.

It’s important to remember that every session is held in strict confidence, ensuring the privacy of all individuals involved.

How to Prepare for a Reading

Consider your reading as a valuable investment. Prior to your scheduled session, allocate time for meditation and mental clarity. If you have young children, make arrangements for their care during your reading. If you share your space with noisy pets, ensure you select a serene location that is conducive to both you and Sharon.

Refrain from consuming alcohol or sedatives before the reading, as they can hinder the clarity of the session and diminish its potential benefits. Keep a notepad and pen readily accessible beside your chosen seating area for jotting down insights.

Eliminate potential distractions by turning off radios, TVs, and other phones, except the one you are using for the reading. It is crucial never to drive or operate machinery while participating in a reading. In such cases, rescheduling is required, and the earliest available slot will be offered without exceptions.


Prepare your Mind

Retaining every detail of your discussion with Sharon might be challenging, so she recommends investing in a recording device or taking notes during sessions.

Psychic, mediumship, and life coaching sessions are aimed at enhancing your life, providing you with valuable insights and guidance. Following your sessions, Sharon will provide you with assignments or tasks designed to propel you in a positive direction.

To prepare,15 minutes before your session, find a quiet space, close your eyes, and take deep breaths, envisioning a white light flowing from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.

Please avoid confrontations and overwhelming to-do lists on the day of your appointment, as a cluttered mind can hinder your desired reading experience.

Above all, never engage in a reading while operating a vehicle, as your full focus should be on the reading.

Keep an open mind to receive guidance, answers, and messages from the spiritual realm, and savor the insights you gain during your session.


Prepare your Body

To maximize the benefits of your reading, prioritize a minimum of 8 hours of restorative sleep the night before. This ensures that your mind is clear and receptive. When it’s time for your session, sit in a comfortable chair with your legs uncrossed, creating an optimal posture for energy exchange to flow smoothly.

In cases where you’re not feeling your best or experiencing excessive fatigue, don’t hesitate to request a rescheduled reading. Maintaining our physical well-being is a vital component in nurturing our spiritual connection. Keep in mind that our bodies serve as the vessels for our souls, and while metaphysical counseling can be incredibly rewarding, it can also be energetically demanding.

After your reading, consider unwinding with a soothing salt bath to cleanse your energy field, followed by a brief period of rest to integrate the insights and energy from the session.

Hydration is paramount, so be sure to drink plenty of water, as it helps to anchor and harmonize your physical and spiritual well-being, promoting an overall sense of balance and vitality.


Prepare your Environment

A quiet and tranquil environment can help you focus and connect more deeply with the insights and guidance that Sharon will provide.

If you have responsibilities related to children or pets, consider arranging for a babysitter or dog walker during your session to minimize any potential interruptions.

Furthermore, it’s advisable to power down all electronic devices, except for your recording equipment, to eliminate distractions and interference.

To enhance the connection with the spiritual realm, make sure that the room’s temperature is set a few degrees higher than your usual thermostat setting. It’s worth noting that cooler air may signify the presence of loved ones who are eager to communicate, and a slightly warmer room can foster a more comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

When selecting your chair for the reading, prioritize one with armrests for added comfort and support.

Finally, it’s best to avoid overly bright lighting in the room and opt for soft or natural illumination.

Terms & Conditions

By purchasing a reading or service with Sharon Pugh, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Requests for cancellations and refunds must be submitted at least 24 hours before the scheduled reading. Same-day readings are non-refundable.

Hold Harmless

By procuring services from Sharon Pugh, you consent to a “hold harmless” agreement. Please be aware that Sharon Pugh is not a licensed Physician or Therapist, and her services should never be utilized as a substitute for qualified medical professionals. To purchase any service from this website, you must be 18 years of age or older. In the event that a client verbally expresses an intent to engage in self-harm or harm others, Sharon Pugh retains the right to contact the appropriate authorities.


Clients are permitted to request rescheduling on two occasions before their reading is forfeited. Medium Sharon Pugh retains the discretion to reschedule appointments in the event of police assistance, illness, or any other unforeseen emergency. Rest assured that your reading will be conducted within 24 hours of the rescheduled appointment.

Forfeiture of Reading/Session

Sharon Pugh, as a professional, reserves the right to cancel your reading or session in the following circumstances:

1. If you exceed three rescheduled appointments.
2. If you initiate a false claim with PayPal.
3. If you display an abusive demeanor and/or using inappropriate language.
4. If you appear or sound under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, and/or if you exhibit verbal abuse through phone, text, or in-person interactions.

This policy also applies to Group Spirit Parties.